Hi, I am Annalea.

Once a Paramedic for over a decade, now a mother, wife and avid explorer of our inner realms with a strong desire to guide people into more inner sovereignty.

I love nature, my garden, the sun, surfing + barefoot adventures with my family.

I have spent over 12 years actively exploring the intricacies and depths of human biology, psychology and energy.

My journey has taken me through many identities and beliefs, limiting conditioning, SO many modalities, nutrition dogma, plant medicine journeys, intense integrations and huge transformations. I wish to utilise my breadth of experience to guide you to more of who you truly are, in the most effective and efficient way possible!

I utilise Integrated Somatic Inquiry as taught to me by Brandon Bozarth, guided by the extensive scientifically proven map of Germanische Heilkunde (aka GHk/GNM) to return you to yourself, to an embodying of your truest expression free from pain, dis-ease and suffering, and full of ease and curiosity.

All of you is welcome here.

We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.
— William James